We all know that being a police officer is not an easy job. They are viewed with high ethical standards and the community relies on them. Despite that, there are times people make excuses when they are caught and police officers have to deal with the situation in a calm and orderly manner.
Even though times are sometimes difficult, here are 7 reasons why we love being a police officer.

1) Helping Others
I have a lot of people who thanked me years later. It is indeed the most rewarding experience when people remember you for what you’ve done. Being able to help is what’s a police officer is all about, even if it means the little things such as helping to repair a stranded car, it would make someone’s day.
2) Brotherhood
Some of the cops that I have worked with are outstanding, while some really just love to tell people they’re cops. There are police officers that are really compassionate, brave and courageous in the town. These are the cops that I look forward to when I need a response to back me up, for I know they will do everything to help and keep everyone safe.
3) Appreciation
Overtime, the more I work, the more I appreciate my own family life more. It’s tough for police officers to face danger or life-threatening situation weekly, if not daily. With this, whenever I’m about to leave knowing that it might be my last day, the more I truly appreciate the ones I love and have in my life.
4) The Experience
Each call that we receive is a brand new experience. There may be some types of calls with the same location, but it is never repetitive. It’s always something new, a different challenge and opportunity to encounter.

5) To Protect
It’s having the action to stop a crime, or arrest someone who needs justice by victimizing an innocent person. To place those handcuffs on such a person is a gratifying experience.
6) Being A Protective Parent
I am always informed, to make sure everyone is safe no matter what. Even if it means the kids have been invited over for a sleepover, or going with their friend to a late night movie showing, or even just taking the bus for the first time by themselves.
7) Consistent Uniform
With this, I do not have to decide what to wear every single day. Should I wear a suit, or a button-up shirt with slacks or did I forget it was jeans day.
There are other things that have made me appreciate being a police officer, such as the ability to drive fast with a siren playing in the background, and even to get paid to give justice for others. I, as well, enjoy the security level for my friends and family.
John Yotter
December 08, 2020
Been a cop for 46 years now my son is an officer with my old badge number. We wish all in blue stay safe