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  • 20% OFF, Site-wide
  • Free Gift Cards
  • Priority Order Processing
  • Catalog of Free Products - Just Pay S&H
  • Exclusive Product Selection
  • Private Early Access to New Products
  • Custom Product Request
  • New Product Requests
  • 20% Off Sitewide
  • Free Gift Cards
  • Priority Order Processing
  • Catalog of Free Products - Just Pay S&H
  • Exclusive Product Selection
  • Private Early Access to New Products
  • Custom Product Request
  • New Product Requests

20% Off Sitewide

We love having you as one of our VIP Customers and so we thought you would love to have anytime access to discounts for any of the products you may want. Enjoy 20% Off all regular and sale priced items for the life of your membership!

Priority Order Processing

All orders placed by members will receive priority order processing. This means any exclusive or limited edition products will be shipped out to you first.

Free Gift Cards

Send us a message on or within a week of your birthday, and we'll send you an awesome $25 Gift Card to Our Store! It's that easy.

Catalog of Free Products

One of the amazing perks of being a member, is access to our growing catalog of FREE products. Simply cover a nominal S&H charge!

Exclusive Product Selection

We will have a catalog of products exclusively for our members. Think of it like a SECRET menu where only members will have access to many beautiful and unique products. Now Limited Edition, really means just that.

Early Access to New Products

Members get early access when we launch any new products. Plus you'll have early access to deals with member-exclusive discounts and pricing!

Custom Product Requests

Need us to create a personalized design of a product just for you? Give us your specifications, and we'll let you know if it can be done.

New Product Requests

If there's a product you want us to start carrying, let us know and we'll do our best to find a way to create it or source it. We love hearing your suggestions. As a member, know you'll always have the best pricing on these.



Billed every 30 days, subscribers can cancel anytime. You must be logged in to your Account to access these features.